About Me

Hello everyone! I am a junior majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Digital Communication, Information and Media (DCIM) currently exploring life away from my home country of China. My journey has taken me from the bustling streets of China to the vibrant classrooms of the U.S. It has been a story of learning, growth, and endless curiosity.

My Hobbies Traveling

I have traveled to many places in China with my family, as well as Tokyo and Osaka in Japan. I have also traveled to Cancun of Mexico, Los Angeles, Detroit, etc. Each time I traveled, I had new experiences and feelings, I was healed and relaxed by traveled.

Cat Person

At home, my life is dominated by four cats and a dog, each with their own unique personalities. Cats heal my soul. Whenever I am unhappy, I feel much better when I see them.

Beyond the Blog

When I’m not blogging, I may be traveling, hiking, or reading historical fiction. I also like to watch movies, play video games, or go to the library for a full day, which keeps me busy and inspired.

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